Not Bread was born from a strong desire to eat healthy,

gluten free bread that actually tasted good!

Originally from France, Marie Sonalet, remembers the bread culture that is well anchored in her country of origin. She knows how bread passion crosses borders and is a standard in a lot of cultures. Marie made it a point in her personal journey to explore and discover new, innovative, and exciting “bread” options for her family and larger community.

In her travels across the world, Marie learned how to combine wholesome, simple, and nourishing ingredients into a unique bread that’s…well, not actually bread! 

In 2020, to the delight of her neighbors and friends, Marie began offering ‘Not Bread’ from her kitchen in Bend, Oregon.

According to Marie, “In paying close attention to the quality of our organic ingredients, and to the special way we blend and bake our seed loaves, we’ve created food that delights the taste buds and nourishes the body, where every bite is the most delicious and nutritious bite.” 

This unique combination of seeds, oats, honey and olive oil gives ‘Not Bread’ a hearty richness, that is unparalleled in flavor and nutrition. ‘Not Bread’ can be found at farmers markets and select stores throughout Oregon and Washington.